We strive to make the library, our colletions, and services accessibile to everyone in the community. Here are some of the ways we make the library more accessible for you if you have special needs or accomodations.

Getting help at the library

Any of our staff members will be happy to help you if you need extra help or assistance while you're here at the library.

Adaptive or assistive equipment

Here is some of the equipment and devices you can use in the library:

  • Adapt-a-Lap
  • Chicagoland Radio Information Service (CRIS)
  • Desktop Magnifier
  • JAWS and MACic with Speech
  • SARA: Scanning and Reading Appliance
  • Traveller
  • Wheelchair

Our collections

Large print collection

We offer a wide variety of large print books. Look for our large print collection on the 3rd floor. A helpful staff person at the desk will be able to help you find titles.

You can browse our large print collection&searchscope=DPKANDDBK&suppress=true&customedit=false) online too!

Accessible eBooks

If you have a qualifying disability and a library card, you may be elibible to download accessible eBooks through LEAP. Learn more about LEAP. [link to ebooks page]

Programs & events

Coming to an event or program and need special accomodations? Be sure to let XXX know.

[footer] Can't make it the library?

If you can't come to the library due to a disability or special need, you might be eligible for homebound deliver. [/footer]